CORRECTION: This option will remain at this location. It was incorrectly stated that the Import Empty Return functionality was moving to As today, there is no need to register to use the Import Empty Return function.

Good Day,
Thank you for contacting MSC!

The Equipment Customer Service Department is operative MON-FRI 8am-8pm EST.
Phone: TBA

Please kindly note that whenever the return location is a rail ramp, rail billing must be requested in advance using the below contact information. Please ensure that the container returns against the corrrect billing.

To check if your unit is off-hire or for all other equipment inquiries, please contact

We are glad to share that MSC USA has launched a new digital solution allowing USA customers to submit their Demurrage, Detention and Per Diem disputes online.​ Please note, the Per Diem Billing department has up to 60 days from the return date to bill the per diem to the trucker. MSC is unable to quote per diem charges prior to final billing. Please allow the Billing Team to complete the auditing process.

Motor Carriers are responsible for checking J1's and ensuring containers in-gate correctly back to MSC Fleet. If J1 is reflecting an error or different steamship line, please contact MSC immediately.

If empty billing has been issued and container is instead used for export or returned to our depot empty, it is a requirement that the empty billing must be cancelled. Failure to comply is a violation of federal safety laws and violators will be subject to exorbitant fees.

All zip ties must be removed prior to the return of empties and loaded containers to the rail.

Important Note:

Locations will be updated as needed.

LocationCNTLoaded Pick up LocationEmpty Return LocationComment
Peoria, IL20DV 
*G & D
*G & D
*G & D